Orders, Tracking

  • Can I cancel my order and get refund?

    Yes you can cancel the order in the first 24h of the purchase and get refunded right away. If more than 24h have passed, the product is already in production and we can't cancel the order and issue refund. Please contact us if you want to cancel an order after 24 hours have passed and we will tr...
  • Can I get a new item if my item arrives damaged?

    Sometimes shipping providers damage our products or someone at quality control is having a bad day and might miss something (we are all humans after all...). If this happens, please send us a picture with the broken/defected product at support@iloveveterinary.com and we will be happy to resolve t...
  • Can I track my order?

    Depending on which shipping method you chose when you made the order, you will receive a tracking number that allows you to track the order to your address or a tracking number that only has limited tracking. We send out emails with tracking information once the order is shipped. Please check yo...
  • Do you offer refunds or exchanges?

    We want you to be 100% Satisfied Every item you order at I Love Veterinary is printed for you, on-demand by hand. That’s what distinguishes us from other e-commerce retailers. We can't put returned items back on our warehouse shelves, and we don't resell them. However, we want to make sure you’re...
  • How do I check the status of my Order?

    We send you an email with tracking code when the products are shipped. If by any chance you didn't receive the email (maybe it landed in your spam folder or you made a typo when you wrote the email...) you can contact us by phone, chat or email and we will answer all your questions. Please contac...
  • How long does printing usually take?

    All products are made to order! You can find the shipping time for most of the products here: Shipping times and costs Product Group 1: Production Time 1-5 Business Days (On Average 2 business Days) Apparel: T-shirts, Hoodies and Long Sleeves Drinkware: Full Color Mugs, White Mugs, Inner Color ...
  • I am missing an item from my order, what do I do?

    We work with different production partners and they produce the products in different locations. We may have sent your items in separate parcels so please check your emails to see if any of your items will be arriving separately. If an item is missing, please contact our Customer Support team at ...
  • I didn’t receive a tracking number. Where can I get the tracking number for my order?

    If you don't have tracking number in your email 7 business days after your order please contact us and we will give you information about your order. Sometimes orders take longer to produce, your tracking number might be sent later than 7 days. See production times here: Shipping times and costs
  • I haven’t received my order yet. How can I check the status?

    Please note that our products are made to order. Each product has different production time. Most of our products are produced within 7 business days and we send out an email with tracking information once the product is shipped. Depending on the product you ordered, shipping takes different amou...
  • I received an incorrect item (design, style, color, size). What do I do?

    Huh!? Sometimes we make mistakes too. We are sorry about this, please send us an email at support@iloveveterinary.com with a picture of the wrong product and we will resolve the issue asap.
  • Order "Returned to Sender"

    If a package is returned to sender by the shipping courier, our production partner will reship the package to you as a customer for a price, after an address verification is completed. If a package is returned to sender by the shipping courier for the second time, our vendor will reship the pack...
  • Price dropped right after I bought the item, can I get the difference refunded?

    We sometimes put our products on special promotions or sales. If the item you bought was put on sale right after you bought it, you can contact us in the first 24h of your order and we will refund you the difference. When we create promotions that involve a coupon code for discount in percentage...
  • Tracking shows delivered, package is missing?

    If the tracking for the order shows status "Delivered" and the customer claims the package was not delivered, it is the responsibility of the customer to contact the shipping provider (local post office, Fedex, DHL etc.) to ask about the package and open a "Trace Claim" if needed. I Love Veterin...
  • Wrong address, lost order

    I Love Veterinary will not refund the customer nor assume liability for orders that are lost due to incorrect shipping address. We can re-ship the order for an additional fee if it is returned to sender. Please contact us if you have such issue. If your order is lost in the post system please co...